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1998-01-07 19:20:02


British Telecom Says: Say Goodbye to Calls to Africa and Asia in 2000



At the present rate or repair on y2k, residents of Britain will not be able to call Africa in 2000. Asia may be cut off, too.

Impossible? Not at all. It's the estimate by British Telecom.

This appeared in COMPUTERWEEKLY NEWS (Jan. 8).

* * * * * * *

UK telephone calls to Africa, the Middle East and the Far East face disruption in 2000 unless carriers act immediately to ensure their systems are millennium compliant. According to a survey by BT, only 11% of its interconnect partners in Africa and the Middle East have set up millennium projects and are on their way towards achieving compliance.

And just 23% of the telecommunication giant's carriers in Asia-Pacific said they had year 2000 programs under way. . . .

Of the 230 carriers questioned, those in the Americas came out top with 49% taking effective action. Next in line were European operators, 43% of which have effective projects under way.


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